by Anne Boehm
15 chapters, 496 pages, 205 figures
ISBN 978-1-890774-57-8
In just the first 6 chapters of this book, you'll learn more about web development than you can from most full books.
It's true! In fact, by the end of the crash course in Section 1,
you'll be developing web pages the way today's best professionals do.
That means you'll be using HTML/XHTML and CSS (Cascading
Style Sheets) in tandem: HTML/XHTML to provide and identify
the various elements of content on the web page (headings,
paragraphs, images, etc.) and CSS to format and lay
out the elements. You'll be amazed at the sophisticated
pages you'll be producing, including those that require
the use of the CSS box model, floating, and positioning.
But that's just the start. In Section 2, you'll see how to refin...
We bring out what you mostly needed......