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Murach's JavaScript and DOM Scripting

by Ray Harris
20 chapters, 764 pages, 337 illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-890774-55-4

Today, web users expect web sites to provide advanced features, dynamic user interfaces, and fast response times. To deliver that, you need to know the JavaScript language. Beyond that, though, you need to know how to use JavaScript to script the Document Object Model (or DOM).
Now, at last, you can learn both JavaScript and DOM scripting in this one great book.
In fact, by the end of chapter 3, you'll be able to develop and debug significant JavaScript applications. By the end of section 2, you'll know the complete JavaScript language and some elementary DOM scripting. And by end of section 3, you will have raised your DOM scripting skills to an expert level.

Create your first JavaScript application TODAY

To get you off to a fast start, chapter 2 of section 1 presents a complete subset of JavaScript that includes basic event handling and elementary DOM scripting so you can start writing significant applications right away. Then, chapter 3 shows you how to use the Firebug extension of Firefox to test and debug your applications. To see how these chapters work, you can download them for free.

Master the JavaScript features you'll use every day

When you finish section 1, you'll know a lot and have the perspective you need for rapid learning.
So section 2 presents the rest of the JavaScript essentials, including how to use arrays, functions, regular expressions, exception handling, libraries, and your own object types. Along the way, you'll learn advanced skills like how to use closures, recursion, and prototype-based inheritance.
The last application in this section puts all the JavaScript skills together in an object-oriented approach to data validation that you can use as a model for your own applications. This is the type of complete, debugged, and practical application that you won't find in other books.

Master DOM scripting at the expert level

To get the most from JavaScript, though, you need to know how to use it for DOM scripting. So in section 3 of this book, you'll learn how to manipulate both the XHTML and CSS for a web page as you build applications that run slide shows, use drop-down menus, rotate headlines, sort the data in tables, do image rollovers, and provide animation.
The last application in this section is a rotating, 3-dimensional carousel of images that the user can control with the mouse or keystrokes. And you definitely won't find anything like this in other books.

Ensure browser compatibility...and save hours of work, too

One of the challenges in creating web sites is that some web browsers handle DOM events like mouse right-clicks and various keystroke combinations in ways that aren't DOM compliant. In fact, Microsoft's Internet Explorer is notorious for that.
So in the DOM scripting section, you'll also learn how to create event-handling libraries that ensure browser compatibility by handling the differences between Internet Explorer and DOM-compliant browsers like Firefox. This includes a browser-compatible library that handles keyboard events, which are commonly avoided by web developers because of the lack of standards. In total, this book presents 7 modular libraries for browser-compatibility that we think pay for this book by themselves!

Fine-tune your JavaScript expertise

The last section in this book rounds out your professional skills. It shows you how to use the objects, methods, and properties of a web browser. And now that you know how to create your own event-handling libraries, it shows you how to use third-party libraries like jQuery and Dojo. Then, the last application in this section shows you another approach to data validation that uses Dojo and Dijits.

The best JavaScript reference you can get

Like all of our books, this one uses our "paired pages" format where each two-page spread presents a single topic or skill. In each spread, the righthand page gives you syntax, coding examples, and "how-to" bulleted guidelines, and the lefthand page provides extra explanation and support when you need it. The upshot is that you can learn skills in manageable steps…you can learn faster by reading less...and you can look up forgotten details whenever you need them.

Beyond that, this book presents 20 complete applications...including XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript...that provide coding models that you can use in your own applications. In short, after you use this book for training, it will become the best reference you've ever used.

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