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Cheat Sheets

Browse Cheat Sheets

Programming & Scripting Languages: ActionScript :: Ada :: AJAX :: C :: C# :: C++ :: CFScript :: Clojure :: COBOL :: ColdFusion :: Common Lisp :: Delphi :: Emacs Lisp :: Erlang :: F# :: Factor :: Fortran :: Haskell :: Io :: J :: Java :: JavaFX Script :: JavaScript :: Lisp :: Lua :: MATLAB :: Modula-2 :: Objective-C :: Objective Caml (OCaml) :: Pascal :: Perl :: PHP :: Prolog :: Python :: R :: Ruby :: S :: S+ :: Scala :: Scheme :: Server Side Includes (SSI) :: Smalltalk :: Standard ML (SML) :: Tcl :: VB.NET :: VBScript :: Visual Basic (VB)
Markup Languages: CSS :: CSS 3 :: DocBook :: HTML :: HTML 5 :: JavaServer Pages (JSP) :: Markdown :: MathML :: SASS :: Schematron :: Textile :: XAML :: XHTML :: XML :: XPath :: XSLT :: YAML
Query Languages: LINQ :: PL/pgSQL :: PL/SQL :: SQL :: T-SQL :: XQuery :: Yahoo! Query Language (YQL)
Libraries & Frameworks: Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) :: ADO.NET :: Apache Sling :: ASP :: ASP.NET :: ASP.NET MVC :: Blueprint CSS :: CakePHP :: CodeIgniter :: Django :: Dojo Toolkit :: Drupal :: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) :: Ext JS :: Framework One (FW/1) :: Fusebox :: GNU Readline :: Google Web Toolkit (GWT) :: Grails :: Hadoop :: Hiccup :: JavaScriptMVC :: JavaServer Faces (JSF) :: jMock :: Joomla! :: jQuery :: jQuery Validator :: JSTL :: JUnit :: Kohana :: KumbiaPHP :: Lift :: Lime Testing Framework :: Magento :: Microsoft .NET Framework :: MODx :: MooTools :: NetBeans Platform :: Node.js :: NumPy :: OpenGL :: OpenLayers :: OpenSSL :: Oracle ADF :: Papervision 3D :: PHPUnit :: Play Framework :: Prototype :: Pygame :: Pylons :: rSpec :: Ruby on Rails :: Scriptaculous :: SimpleTest :: Smarty :: Spring :: Symfony :: Textpattern :: TYPO3 CMS :: Vaadin :: Watir :: web2py :: WebGL :: wxWidgets :: Yii PHP Framework :: YUI :: Zend Framework
Operating Systems: BackTrack :: Debian :: FreeBSD :: IBM AIX :: Kubuntu :: Linux :: Mac OS X :: Microsoft Windows :: OpenBSD :: OpenWrt :: Unix :: Windows Phone 7 :: Windows Server 2008 :: Windows Vista :: Windows XP
Version Control: Bazaar :: ClearCase :: CVS :: Git :: Mercurial :: Perforce :: Subversion (SVN)
Servers: Apache :: .htaccess :: IBM Lotus Domino :: IIS :: Microsoft Exchange Server :: Resin
Databases: Cassandra :: CouchDB :: DB2 :: Firebird SQL :: Informix :: Ingres :: Microsoft Access :: Microsoft SQL Server :: MongoDB :: MySQL :: Oracle :: PostgreSQL :: Redis :: SQLite :: Sybase
ORM: ActiveRecord :: Doctrine :: Hibernate :: NHibernate :: Propel
Blogs: Blogger :: Movable Type :: TypePad :: WordPress
Websites: :: :: Digg :: Facebook :: Flickr :: Gmail :: Google :: Google+ :: Google Adwords :: Google Buzz :: Google Docs :: Google Maps :: Google Reader :: LinkedIn :: MySpace :: Rambler :: Reddit :: Remember the Milk :: Shopify :: StumbleUpon :: Twitter :: Wikipedia :: Yahoo! :: Yandex :: YouTube
Text Editors: ed :: Emacs :: E Text Editor :: MicroEmacs :: TextMate :: TextPad :: Vi :: Vim :: Vimperator :: x-emacs
Applications: 3D Studio Max :: AAV ColorLab :: Adobe Acrobat :: Adobe After Effects :: Adobe ColdFusion Builder :: Adobe Contribute :: Adobe Dreamweaver :: Adobe Fireworks :: Adobe Flash :: Adobe Flash Builder :: Adobe Framemaker :: Adobe Illustrator :: Adobe InCopy :: Adobe InDesign :: Adobe Photoshop :: Adobe Photoshop Elements :: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom :: Adobe Premiere Pro :: Adobe Soundbooth :: Aperture :: Apple Mail :: AppleWorks :: AsciiDoc :: AutoHotKey :: Blender :: Capistrano :: Cinema 4D :: Coda :: Eclipse :: Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) :: Evernote :: Fgdump :: Final Cut Pro :: Firebug :: Front Row :: GIMP :: GNU Debugger (GDB) :: Google Chrome :: Google SketchUp :: Google Talk :: Hping :: iCal :: IDA Pro :: IntelliJ IDEA :: Internet Explorer :: Intuit Quickbooks :: Ircle :: iTunes :: Keynote :: Lotus Notes :: LyX :: Macromedia Freehand :: MacSpeech Dictate :: Maple :: Mathematica :: MediaWiki :: Metasploit :: Microsoft Entourage :: Microsoft Excel :: Microsoft Expression Blend :: Microsoft FrontPage :: Microsoft InfoPath :: Microsoft Office :: Microsoft OneNote :: Microsoft Outlook :: Microsoft PowerPoint :: Microsoft Project :: Microsoft Publisher :: Microsoft Silverlight :: Microsoft Visio :: Microsoft Visual Studio :: Microsoft Visual Web Developer :: Microsoft Word :: mIRC :: Mozilla Firefox :: Mozilla Thunderbird :: MPlayer :: Mutt :: Nessus :: NetBeans IDE :: Netcat :: Nmap :: Octave :: OllyDbg :: :: Opera :: Oracle SQL*Plus :: Outlook Express :: Pages :: PGP :: PowerShell :: QuarkXPress :: Quicksilver :: Robocopy :: Rpad :: rsync :: RubyMine :: Safari :: Sage :: Sage Peachtree :: SAS :: SharePoint Server :: Skype :: Stata :: WinDbg :: Wireshark :: XChat :: Xcode :: Xmonad
Mobile Applications: FourSquare
Security: SQL Injection :: XSS
Networking: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) :: Cisco IOS :: EIGRP :: First Hop Redundancy :: Heartbeat :: IEEE 802.11 :: IEEE 802.1X :: Internet Protocol (IP) :: IPsec :: IS-IS :: Junos :: Multiprotocol Label Switching :: Networking :: OSPF :: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) :: Ports :: Quality of Service (QoS) :: Spanning tree protocol (STP) :: Subnetwork :: TCP/IP :: Virtual LAN (VLAN) :: Virtual Private Network (VPN) :: WLAN
Math: Algebra :: Calculus :: Linear Algebra :: Trigonometry
Methodologies: Agile :: Test Driven Development (TDD)
Other: 960 Grid System :: Access Control List (ACL) :: Accessibility :: Adobe Apollo (AIR beta) :: Adobe Flex :: Andrew File System (AFS) :: Android :: Apache Ant :: apt-get :: Arduino :: ASCII :: AUCTEX :: awk :: Bash :: BPMN :: Character Codes :: Check Point Firewall-1 :: chmod :: Cloud Computing :: cloudControl :: Cluster :: Colors :: Compass :: Compter Hardware :: Country Codes :: Crontab :: cURL :: dbshell :: Design Patterns :: dig :: Disk Partitioning :: DOM :: DOS :: dpkg :: DTD :: EasyMock :: Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) :: esxtop :: Exim :: ExpressionEngine :: Fastboot :: FFmpeg :: Fonts :: Freenode :: FTP :: Funny :: fw monitor :: ggplot2 :: GNU Make :: Gnuplot :: Google Analytics :: Google Voice :: Google Wave :: grep :: Grid Engine :: HTML Entities :: HTTP :: Icon :: Incanter :: Information Theory :: Internationalization (I18N) :: Internet Relay Chat (IRC) :: iPad :: iPhone :: iptables :: jQTouch :: Konqueror :: Korn Shell (ksh) :: Language Codes :: LaTeX :: ldapsearch :: Linode :: Marketing :: Maven :: Microformats :: Mobile Applications :: mod_rewrite :: NetApp :: NetHack :: OAuth :: OpenAFS :: Org-Mode :: ParEdit :: Performance :: POSIX Threads (pthread) :: Programming :: Pygments :: RAID :: RDF :: RDFa :: Regular Expressions :: Repo :: ReSharper :: REST :: Reverse Engineering :: rpm :: RSS :: Ruby Javascript (RJS) :: Sandcastle :: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) :: screen :: Scrum :: Security :: sed :: Selenium :: SEO :: ServiceMix :: Shoulda :: Slicehost :: snmpget :: snmpwalk :: Social Media :: Solr :: Sphinx (documentation) :: Spring Web Flow :: Sprinkle :: SSH :: SSL :: ssldump :: tar :: tcpdump :: Testing :: TeX :: Thematic :: Top-Level Domain (TLD) :: TrixBox :: TTCN-3 :: Tweener :: txt2tags :: Typography :: Ubercart :: UML :: Unicode :: urpmi :: Usability :: UTF-8 :: VGAM :: Virtualization :: Visual Basic Editor (VBE) :: Visualization :: VMware ESX :: VMware Infrastructure 3 :: VMWare VI Toolkit :: VMware vSphere :: VOIP :: Wallpaper :: Web Design :: Website Launch :: Web Standards :: Win32 :: WPF :: x86 :: Xen :: XML Schema (XSD) :: XPather :: Yahoo! Search BOSS :: yum :: Zelig :: Zen Coding :: ZFS :: zypp


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