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Murach's SQL Server 2008 for Developers

by Bryan Syverson and Joel Murach
22 chapters, 778 pages, 336 illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-890774-51-6

When we published the first edition of this book, we heard from plenty of developers who were just starting out using Microsoft SQL Server and found this to be a great book for training.
But we also heard from a lot of experienced developers who read it and were amazed to discover how much they didn't know about SQL. That's why we've dubbed this book "the SQL book that most developers don't even know they need."
So whether you're new to SQL...or whether you've been squeaking by with the SQL you know, never realizing how much you're missing out on...this is the book for you.

For example, you'll learn:

  • How to create complex inner and outer joins, summary queries, and subqueries that do more of the database processing for you so that your applications can do less
  • What the different data types are and how to handle the common problems you run into with various types of data
  • How to work with XML data
  • How to take advantage of powerful backend database features like views, scripts, stored procedures, and triggers
  • How to deal with database control features like cursors, transactions, and locking
  • The basics of database design and implementation using the Management Studio or SQL DDL statements (you can write more efficient queries when you know something about how databases are set up…and you can start to see what your DBA has to think about, if that's a career path that interests you)
  • How to use the CLR integration feature to create database objects using C# or Visual Basic code 

What's NEW in this 2008 edition

This new edition now covers the 2008 features that make a developer's job easier:
  • The FILESTREAM storage feature allows you to work more efficiently with binary large objects (BLOBs) such as image, sound, and video files.
  • The MERGE statement allows you to use a single statement to make multiple updates and insertions.
  • The date, time, datetime2, and datetimeoffset data types give you more flexibility and precision for working with dates and times.
  • The user-defined table type allows you to pass a table as a parameter to a stored procedure or a function - a feat that previously required custom coding and often resulted in code that was difficult to maintain.
  • In terms of database design, the SPARSE attribute can help you work with NULL values more efficiently, and filtered indexes can allow you to retrieve data more quickly.
Beyond that, this book covers many other 2008 features that you'll find useful in specific situations. And, of course, the code presented in this book has been thoroughly updated and tested against SQL Server 2008.

Ready to master all of this?

Then let SQL Server 2008 for Developers quickly boost you to a new level of competence and professionalism.

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