' First add the mail merged fields and save the document
'Then reopen the word document and click no to SQL import and open VBA editor and paste this script
'Finally save this as a macro enabled document and test this code
'Happy coding
Option Explicit
Function ReplaceIllegalCharacters(strIn As String, strChar As String) As String
Dim strSpecialChars As String
Dim i As Long
strSpecialChars = "~""#%&*:<>?{|}/\[]" & Chr(10) & Chr(13)
For i = 1 To Len(strSpecialChars)
strIn = Replace(strIn, Mid$(strSpecialChars, i, 1), strChar)
ReplaceIllegalCharacters = strIn
End Function
Sub TestRun()
Dim MainDoc As Document, TargetDoc As Document
Dim dbPath As String, FileName As String, Folder As String
Dim recordNumber As Long, totalRecord As Long, startingRec As Integer, endingIndex As Integer
Dim Answer As VbMsgBoxResult
Set MainDoc = ActiveDocument
FOLDER_SAVED = "C:\temp\new\"
SOURCE_FILE_PATH = "C:\temp\Content-Planning-EN-Dev.xlsx"
startingRec = 1
Dim userdata As Variant, userdata2 As Variant, userdata3 As Variant, userdata4 As Variant
With MainDoc.MailMerge
userdata3 = InputBox("Please enter the source file path", "Destination folder", "C:\temp\Content-Planning-EN-Dev.xlsx")
FileName = VBA.FileSystem.Dir(userdata3)
If FileName = "" Then
MsgBox "File does not exist."
SOURCE_FILE_PATH = userdata3
End If
userdata4 = InputBox("Please enter the destination folder", "Destination folder", "C:\temp\new\")
Folder = Dir(userdata4, vbDirectory)
If Folder = "" Then
Answer = MsgBox("Path does not exist. Would you like to create it?", vbYesNo, "Create Path?")
Select Case Answer
Case vbYes
VBA.FileSystem.MkDir (userdata4)
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
'MsgBox "Folder exists."
FOLDER_SAVED = userdata4
End If
'// if you want to specify your data, insert a WHERE clause in the SQL statement
.OpenDataSource Name:=SOURCE_FILE_PATH, sqlstatement:="SELECT * FROM [Briefings$]"
totalRecord = .DataSource.RecordCount
userdata = InputBox("Please enter starting Index", "starting Index", 1)
If IsNumeric(userdata) Then
startingRec = userdata
MsgBox "Not a Number"
Exit Sub
End If
userdata2 = InputBox("Please enter Ending Index", "Ending Index", totalRecord)
If IsNumeric(userdata2) Then
endingIndex = userdata2
If (endingIndex > totalRecord Or endingIndex < 1) Then
MsgBox "Out of range"
Exit Sub
totalRecord = endingIndex
End If
End If
For recordNumber = startingRec To totalRecord
With .DataSource
.ActiveRecord = recordNumber
.FirstRecord = recordNumber
.LastRecord = recordNumber
End With
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.Execute False
Set TargetDoc = ActiveDocument
Word.Options.AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks = True
TargetDoc.SaveAs2 FOLDER_SAVED & ReplaceIllegalCharacters(.DataSource.DataFields("Topic").Value, "_") & ".docx", wdFormatDocumentDefault
'TargetDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat FOLDER_SAVED & .DataSource.DataFields("Client_Name").Value & ".pdf", exportformat:=wdExportFormatPDF
TargetDoc.Close False
Set TargetDoc = Nothing
Next recordNumber
End With
Set MainDoc = Nothing
End Sub
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